At Support Services Solutions Partners, we will evaluate your outcomes and the state of your operations to validate concerns that you may have with the existing performance of your support services departments.  We can help you identify what is “perceived versus actual” by utilizing quantitative measures to evaluate your departmental performance against national benchmarking standards as well as our own personal experiences.

Do you need a thorough service delivery assessment? Need quicker response times? Are your training programs not effective? Are your Patient Satisfaction scores worrying you? How is your cleaning quality? Do you need FTE justifications? We are experts in these areas!

At SSSP, we promise to always provide a thorough review, analysis and proposal that will address all of the concerns that you may have within our fields of expertise.  Based on our learnings within your organization, we will create customized solutions that are tailored to your organizational culture and operational challenges.  The SSSP approach is to always take the time to fully listen, look at your organization from a holistic view, and provide custom recommendations based on your current goals and objectives.

Our partners have a vast array of experience including: making adjustments for financial hardship, mitigating unexpected natural disasters, managing nosocomial outbreaks, and more.  The expertise within our team’s strategic problem-solving skills sets is something that only SSSP can provide!